Blog About Your Vision
In my blog I am interviewing interesting persons who bring us their vision closer, to dive deep into their business.
My name is Georg Lanzinger, I am a seasoned business developer with a passion for bridging the worlds of AI, Web3 and Sales. With a diverse background and a wealth of knowledge in Sales, AI, blockchain, NFTs, partner management, FMEA, Scrum, medical applications, aerospace, and IP management, Georg Lanzinger is a true polymath in the digital frontier.
I do not just navigate these complex domains; I thrive in them. The journey through Web3 has been a remarkable one, marked by a deep understanding of blockchain technology and the rapidly evolving NFT space. This expertise places me at the forefront of innovative solutions and the creation of unique opportunities.
What truly sets me apart is the unwavering commitment to the art of sales. Rather than just a Sales Manager, I am customer advocate and translator, skilled in converting the needs and desires of clients into concrete, mutually beneficial agreements. I know how to put myself in the customer’s shoes, which is not just a strategy but a way of life for me.
In, you’ll have the opportunity to delve into insightful conversations with fascinating individuals in the worlds of Web3 and sales. They excel in connecting people, forging lasting relationships, and delivering win-win solutions that benefit all parties involved. Georg is a unique talent for translation – from the language of the client to the language of the supplier – that makes me an outstanding host. I am an invaluable resource for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of these dynamic industries.
So, get ready to explore the exciting intersection of Web3 and sales with Georg Lanzinger, where knowledge meets connection, and opportunities flourish.
So, get ready to explore the exciting intersection of Web3 and sales with Georg Lanzinger, where knowledge meets connection, and opportunities flourish. You can contact me best at LinkedIn or in the contacts.
The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.
Helen Keller

The Death of Traditional Manufacturing: How AI is Building Your Products with computer vision
In episode #28, Lucas Vandroux, mentioned in “Forbes 30 Under 30” is talking about how computer vision and AI in […]

Unmasking GLINK: The Gatekeeper of Blockchain Security
Mathias Grünsteidl is an innovative entrepreneur and Managing Director of Glink GmbH, focussing on digital technologies and data-driven business models. […]

how AI will change HR
When did you send you latest job application and the company ghosts you now? Or you are the HR responsible […]

Future proof brand transformation with AI
In the latest episode of, Adnan is talking about his best projects, how to achieve a strong brand by […]

Crypto Payments – vision or madness
Diamond Hands and Bitcoin: Elon Musk’s “diamond hands” comment from three years ago has become a meme. However, it’s essential […]

The vision of Daniel CEO – Runes are the future
Daniel Müller is CEO of deZentrale and certified blockchain professional and cryptofinance expert and author of the book “Web3 The […]

The vision of Jakob CEO Centauri
I had the pleasure to interview Jakob Bosshard, the co-Founder and CEO of Centauri which is a phantastic place in […]

Georg Lanzinger – Decentralizing Royalties: How Blockchain is Reshaping the Creative Industries
The marriage of AI and blockchain is a great chance for both worlds to combine the best of the best. […]

The vision of Alex Velinov CTO and AI expert
In this interview, I had the pleasure talking to Alex Velinov, who is an experienced CTO and AI expert. We […]

The vision of AI expert Nejc
Nejc is an expert in storytelling for many years and consults well known brands how they can use this technique. […]

The vision of Esteban Commercial Director about AI and CX
Esteban Mege is Commercial Director at Ipsos Brasil. In this interview he tells us his vision about customer experience, how […]

The vision of Thrilld Labs CEO Alexandra Overgaag in WEB3
Alexandra is the founder & CEO of Thrilld Labs, a free and open-access business solution that lets Web3 projects, professional […]

The vision of Michael Rey with DAO
What is the vision of Michael Rey with Swiss Asset DAO? What are DAO’s for? Why was it founded in […]

CV Summit 10th Anniversary
Every year, the blockchain cracks flock to Zug for the biggest blockchain event in Switzerland, the CV Summit, and Georg […]

The vision of Simon – filmproducer
There are many rumours about the filmindustry in Hollywood, but what will the industry change told me Simon Jacquemet in […]

The vision of Patrycja Pielaszek – TEDx speaker
Part 2 what is a good employee? Valueable employees are open, what does it mean? No, they do not have […]

The vision of Roberto Orazi in Sales
Part 2 Introverted people in sales? does it work? Absolutely!!! Listen to the hints how to become better in sales! […]

The vision of Jakob Sievers with Gorilla platform
What is Gorilla? Create, distribute and sell Token-based products via this platform. It makes it easy to distribute a complete […]

21shares interviewt NFT Think Tank
Lisa Fischer, Senior Sales Associate von 21shares, interviewte mich, Georg Lanzinger, warum wir den NFT Think Tank gegründet haben, was […]

The vision of Metablond in the metaverse Aeddon
The metaverse Aeddon is co-founded by Nadia Steiner and in this video she tell us her vision! What is Aeddon? […]

The vision of Vlad in web3.0 NFT
The vision of Vlad in 10min The complete interview – the vision of Vlad – 35min In this Vlog interview, […]

The vision of Ursula in web 3
This vlog is with Ursula Volpe who is consultant for web3 and fighting for equality. She is an experienced tech […]

The vision of Nemerie0x.eth – working in web 3 from Cuba
Vlog with Nemerie0x who is web3 content creator Aimara Garcia Cabezas is a professional web3 content creator with a passion […]

Vlog Marco about phygital
Phygital’s connect the physical world and the digital world – the metaverse. In this Vlog, Marco tells us his vision […]

Vlog Kelroy about supply-chain and blockchain
The Royal Navy is interested in supply-chain? How is Whisky connected to B/L? And to the blockchain? My guest Kelroy […]

Interview about the vision of Joybräu and STO
JoyBräu ist die weltweit erste funktionale Biermarke. Mit patentierter Technologie entwickeln und vermarkten wir alkoholfreie Biere mit gesundheitsfördernden Mehrwerten wie […]

Interview Yokupay A great Vlog with Jan Swoboda who is the founder of Yokupay which makes the payment in the […]

I had the chance to interview Pascal Niggli the founder of the daily online “Blockchain News and Education for beginners […]

Blockchain and Sales with Georg Lanzinger, Business Development Manager at Lanzinger.
Hello Viewers, Today we have with us, Mr Georg Lanzinger. He is the Business Development Manager at Lanzinger and will […]

Warum es einen Übersetzer zw. Business & Technologie benötigt
Wer kennt die immer wieder auftretenden Themen zwischen Fachabteilung und IT nicht. Die Fachabteilung möchte zum Beispiel Dateien schnell und […]